2015-09-23_20.27.17On Wednesday, 23rd September, Father Peter Farrington drove over to Swindon to meet with the Anglican Dean of Swindon, the Revd. Simon Stevenette. The Dean is a wonderful and warm-hearted Christian minister, and it is always a blessing to share time with him. This meeting was to bring Revd. Simon up to date with developments in the missionary ministry now that Father Peter has transferred to the Patriarchal Diocese.

Revd. Simon has asked Father Peter to lead an ecumenical study day on the Jesus Prayer in the Anglican parish church as part of the activities of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in January 2016, and with the proper permissions and blessings Father Peter hopes to be able to develop this programme and be able to encourage others in Swindon to consider our Orthodox spirituality.

Revd. Simon and Father Peter spent a blessed time in prayer together in one of the chapels in his church. There is a strong feeling of brotherly affection and respect between them, and they prayed for each other’s ministry and for those in their care.

Father Peter has a sense that God is continuing to open doors for missionary activity in Swindon and that these ecumenical relations are a necessary and important witness. It is in giving ourselves freely to others that the life and love of God is shared and experienced.

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