12006274_10153024560965588_1355552983472521357_nFather Peter Farrington enjoyed a wonderful visit to Stoke on Saturday, 17th October. The Liturgy went well, and Reader Philip Turner served with great attention as deacon. It was our second solo celebration of the Liturgy of St Basil in English in the Coptic Orthodox Community of St Chad in Stoke. After sharing some food and fellowship together a number of the community stayed for another few hours to discuss and develop plans for a new Orthodox Instruction Course that will be used among the people that the St George Orthodox Ministry is working with, both as isolated enquirers and within reach of the communities in Stoke, Swindon and Windsor.

Father Peter was very pleased at the fruitful conversation that took place, and believes that there is a strong vision for the first 6 units in a 24 unit course. The ambition is to produce something that helps ordinary people, with only a vague belief in the existence of God, come to an understanding of the Orthodox Gospel message and begin to discover life lived in relationship with God for themselves. Thanks to God for the strength to get through a long but very useful day.

Julie Jones, local Mission Co-Ordinator, said..

It was a great day all around, I felt it went very well and we seemed to get a lot done. The new Orthodox Catechesis will I think prove to be very useful I’m sure”.

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